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Careers & Pathway Counselling at Elizabeth College

Dave Newcombe

Careers Advisor

Dave Newcombe is the Careers Counsellor at Elizabeth College and he is available to provide advice on various career related matters such as university and TasTAFE courses, apprenticeships and traineeships, part-time/casual job applications and resumes, as well as offering general career planning advice. 

Dave can help explain career pathways, course options, ATAR and Tasmanian Certificate of Education requirements. Career-related activities offered at Elizabeth College include:

  • individual and group conversations;
  • subject selection counselling;
  • Careers Expo;
  • visits by Australian Defence Force Recruiting personnel;
  • career talks from experts in their chosen fields;
  • visits by group and training organisations to assist transitioning to traineeships, apprenticeships and the workforce;
  • University of Tasmania workshops;
  • visits by representatives of various mainland universities;
  • attendance at a variety of ‘taster days’ including medicine, pharmacy, nursing/paramedics and biomedical research; and,
  • assistance with applications for university, TAFE, scholarships, employment, the Defence Force and Police Career Development Program.

Dave also works closely with Hobart City High School to help prepare Year 10 students for their transition to college. Students are welcome to see Dave in the Careers Centre in the Library and they can make appointments for one-on-one assistance. He also welcomes contact from parents/carers via the College Office 6235 6555 or at [email protected]

Useful Resources

Careerify – If you’re a Year 9 to 12 student in Tassie, figuring out what your career might look like can be hard. Careerify is jam packed with useful information like articles and activities to help you along the way.